Placing an order

You can order your products in 3 easy steps

  1. Add your item(s) to your shopping cart.
  2. Enter your details at the checkout and double-check them. Also, review your order.
  3. Complete your purchase using your preferred payment method. You will receive a confirmation from us within an hour, although it usually only takes a few minutes.

Congratulations, your order has been successfully placed! Our system will automatically notify our warehouse, where we will start processing it immediately.

From Monday to Friday, all of our packages are collected by our couriers from our warehouse at 4:30 PM and will be delivered to you the next day. Once your package has been picked up, you will automatically receive a track-and-trace code so that you can always stay updated on the status of your delivery.

If you suspect that something has gone wrong in the process, you are always welcome to contact our customer service, we are happy to help.